Thursday, 7 October 2010

Great samples

I finally got round to getting Eastwest Quantmn Loop's Composer's Collection, and it's great!

Heres just a short example that i composed using the Symphony Orchestra and Choir. The footage is from the BBC's Planet Earth series.



  1. Really loved this composition =D I felt it was really really working with the footage you used!

    I will keep you posted when I'll need you for my third year film, I'm thinking (so your ready) you'll get an Animatic before Christmas =D

    I'll watch some spooky stuff and link it your way before then!

  2. Hey Sophie, thats sounds awesome. Sorry i didn't reply for ages, ive only just realised you commented!

    At the moment im doing some music for two halloween shorts to be aired on sunday in the student union so i'll link you when they're finished and up on youtube!
